En el caso de que quisieses mejorar interpretando la música de Little Black Submarines, has entrado a la página web más oportuna. En este artículo puedes examinar la partitura de la canción, al igual que su sonido y letra, de forma que nada te haga falta para ir mejorando.
Partitura de Little Black Submarines: Detalles
Si pretendes analizar el conjunto de las características con respecto a la partitura, puedes encontrar la siguiente tabla: sus apartados, las medidas, duración de la música, el número de páginas que tiene la partitura, el grupo, .etc
Pages | 8 |
Duration | 03:56 |
Measures | 88 |
Key | C major, A minor |
Genre | Rock |
Ensemble | Woodwind Duet |
Parts | 2 |
Part names | Clarinet In B-flat, Piano |
Privacy | Everyone can see this score |
License | None (All rights reserved) |
Vídeo de Little Black Submarines
También, puedes ver el vídeo de la canción para que tengas la opción de oírla:
La Letra de Little Black Submarines
Little black submarines
Operator, please
Put me back on the line
Told my girl I’d be back
Operator, please
This is wrecking my mind
Oh, can’t it be
The voices calling me
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind
Pick you up, let you down
When I wanna go
To a place I can hide
You know me, I had plans
But they just disappeared
To the back of my mind
Oh, can it be
The voices calling me?
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind
Treasure maps, fallen trees
Operator, please
Call me back when it’s time
Stolen friends and disease
Operator, please
Pass me back to my mind
Oh, can’t it be
The voices calling me
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind
Oh, can’t it be
The voices calling me
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind
Descargar la Partitura Little Black Submarines
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