Contando con la canción, partitura y letra de Lost On You, vas a poder conmocionar a cualquiera interpretando la melodía utilizando tu instrumento deseado. Porque la próxima es una canción sumamente estimulante y oportuna para entrenar música.
Información de Lost On You
Si estás interesado en ver la totalidad de la información respecto a la partitura, podrás encontrar el venidero segmento: duración de la música, las páginas de la partitura, el género musical, los nombres de las apartados, las medidas, .etc
Páginas | 3 |
Duración | 03:57 |
Medidas | 56 |
Clave | A♭ mayor, F menor |
Género | Rock |
Conjunto | Solo |
Partes | 1 |
Nombre de las partes | Piano |
Privacidad | Todo el mundo puede ver esta puntuación . |
Licencia | Ninguno (Todos los derechos reservados) |
Lost On You en Vídeo
En este segmento inferior, puedes mirar su vídeo previamente de interpretar la música:
Lost On You: Letra de la canción
When you get older, plainer, saner
Will you remember all the danger we came from?
Burning like embers, falling, tender
Longing for the days of no surrender years ago
And well you know
So smoke ‘em if you got ‘em ‘cause it’s going down
All I ever wanted was you
I’ll never get to heaven ‘cause I don’t know how
Let’s raise a glass or two
To all the things I’ve lost on you
Tell me: Are they lost on you?
Just that you could cut me loose
After everything I’ve lost on you
Is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Baby, is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Wishing I could see the machinations
Understand the toil of expectations in your mind
Hold me like you never lost your patience
Tell me that you love me more than hate me all the time
And you’re still mine
So smoke ‘em if you got ‘em ‘cause it’s going down
All I ever wanted was you
Let’s take a drink of heaven, this can turn around
Let’s raise a glass or two
To all the things I’ve lost on you
Tell me: Are they lost on you?
Just that you could cut me loose
After everything I’ve lost on you
Is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Baby, is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Lost on you
(Lost on you)
Let’s raise a glass or two
To all the things I’ve lost on you
Tell me: Are they lost on you?
Just that you could cut me loose
After everything I’ve lost on you
Is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Lost On You: Descargar Partitura Íntegra
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