La siguiente es una canción altamente excitante y oportuna para entrenar música. Por esta razón contando con la letra, melodía y partitura de Show Must Go On, podrás causar una buena impresión a todos interpretando la música empleando tu instrumento musical.
Show Must Go On: Información
Si quieres conocer todos los puntos clave en lo que concierne a la partitura, puedes examinar la tabla de abajo: las medidas, las hojas de la partitura, duración de la canción, el género, las partes…
Pages | 30 |
Duration | 03:48 |
Measures | 289 |
Key | E♭ major, C minor |
Ensemble | Symphony Orchestra |
Parts | 22 |
Part names | Flute, Oboe, Clarinet In B-flat, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet In B-flat, Trombone, Tuba, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Marimba, Drum Group, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Crash, Piano, Strings Group (5), Bass Guitar |
Privacy | Everyone can see this score |
License | None (All rights reserved) |
Show Must Go On: Vídeo
Asimismo, tienes la opción de reproducir este apartado siguiente si estás interesado en escuchar la música:
Letra de Show Must Go On
I must accept these consequences for my actions
When all I did was what the world told me I should do
And do anything for my dreams, if only I knew
The cost of my dreams, aka, you.. Would be you
I’m dead now!
The nightmare
Is slowly taking over
All that’s happened
It is enabling him
To take exactly what he wants
Until he gets what he desires
We’ll be at his whim
My inner demon, he is screamin’ at me, «»take her now!
This is your only chance, won’t get another, don’t let me down
Don’t fucking whine
The deed is done you’ll be just fine
So you want true romance?
Throw the dice, take a chance.»»
Why won’t you let me in, just let me in!
We’ll masquerade this awkward phase that we’re stuck in
If you accept me and forever be by my side
Remember what I said? Every day’s a new sunrise
So let’s just act pretend like this never happened
I’m your arcane guardian
Just let me in
You know our love is caught in your eyes
And those hazel eyes
They terrorize they terrorize!
My inner demon, he is screamin’ at me, «»take her now!
This is your only chance, won’t get another, don’t let me down
Don’t fucking whine.
The deed is done you’ll be just fine
So you want true romance?
Throw the dice, take a chance.»»
Don’t let me down
If I can’t have you, I will never be found
It’s sure to kill me if you leave me
So I’ll leave you gagged and bound
I won’t reside, never abide
Won’t live my life caught in a lie
Baby don’t scream
Don’t scream!
You are not alone, his arms are not your new home
Now just close your eyes, you will never say goodbye
Baby don’t scream, you know I did this all for you and me
Bitch don’t fucking scream! I really did this all just for me
You know our love is caught in your eyes
And those hazel eyes
They terrorize they terrorize!
Don’t let me down
If I can’t have you, I will never be found
It’s sure to kill me if you leave me
So I’ll leave you gagged and bound
I won’t reside, never abide
Won’t live my life caught in a lie
There’s no escape, from this place
But somehow you unlocked all the chains
Paralyzed in authentic fear
Cause I’m insane, and I’m deranged
You mustn’t share twisted affairs, with all your peers
So I’ll push you down the stairs
And I’ll hide you down in the dark for years!
This cannot be, it must be a dream
More like a corrupted nightmare
Can’t bare this harsh reality
This can’t be the end of my story
She’s my only destiny
Can’t be the end of my story
We must create, our own fate
I took her life, now it’s too late.
This darkness
Has overcome your common sense
Be honest
Impulsive actions made a mess
This darkness
Like a fire burning red
So vicious
A heartless monster not a man
I watched their lust, it sparked alive
And it tore me up inside
I will admit I’m terrified, let jealousy serve as my guide
I can’t reside, I can’t abide
Can’t live my life caught in this lie
So I must die, goodbye goodnight!
Descargar la Partitura de Show Must Go On
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