Partitura de The Mission

Para que seas capaz interpretar la música de The Mission con tu instrumento, a continuación te damos su partitura. Se trata de una partitura profundamente excelente, con el planteamiento de capacitarse o tal vez para hacerla sonar públicamente. Practica con ella.

Partitura The Mission

The Mission: Datos

La totalidad de los elementos en relación a la partitura la podrás conocer aquí: la cantidad de páginas que tiene la partitura, sus claves, duración de la música, los nombres de sus secciones, el género, .etc

re mayor, si menor
Clásico, Banda sonora
Nombre de las partes
Todo el mundo puede ver esta puntuación .
Ninguno (Todos los derechos reservados)

Vídeo de The Mission

A su vez, podrás mirar el vídeo de la canción con el fin de que tengas la posibilidad de escucharla:

La Letra de The Mission

The time is now, the tasks begin
We’ve got a mission to see through now
Alerts were sent of acts of sin
The others fell, we take on their vow

We must defeat imposters here
We astronauts are the people’s voice
To save them all, we cannot fear
We will not fail, we have no choice

Someone is a traitor, someone is a fake
It soon meets its creator, no matter what it takes
Winning through attrition for galaxy’s sake
We’ll finish the mission when the world is at stake
We’re all walking in tightropes, but we will find a way
‘Cause we are their last hope, we must keep them at bay
We’ll see through their ambitions, they will not get away
We will finish the mission, Polus will see a new day

Halfway through our assigned chores
Watching out for someone suspect
Walk in and out the great outdoors
We are the ones with the power to protect

Then it all changed right when I caught
One just like us killed in cold blood
He said to trust his every thought
That’s tough to do when you let a body thud

Someone is a traitor, someone is a fake
It soon meets its creator, no matter what it takes
Winning through attrition for galaxy’s sake
We’ll finish the mission when the world is at stake
We’re all walking in tightropes, but we will find a way
‘Cause we are their last hope, we must keep them at bay
We’ll see through their ambitions, they will not get away
We will finish the mission, Polus will see a new day

He’s the imposter, don’t you see?
As little and sneaky as can be
Tell me straight, don’t lie to me
It’s quite sketchy, don’t you agree?

Acknowledge me, drop that poker face
You won’t make me into a disgrace
Defy the coward, show the empowered
That we will not be devoured

Someone is a traitor, someone is a fake
It soon meets its creator, no matter what it takes
Winning through attrition for galaxy’s sake
We’ll finish the mission when the world is at stake
We’re all walking in tightropes, but we will find a way
‘Cause we are their last hope, we must keep them at bay
We’ll see through their ambitions, they will not get away
We will finish the mission, Polus will see a new day

Someone is a traitor, someone is a fake
It soon meets its creator, no matter what it takes
Winning through attrition for galaxy’s sake
We’ll finish the mission when the world is at stake
We’re all walking in tightropes, but we will find a way
‘Cause we are their last hope, we must keep them at bay
We’ll see through their ambitions, they will not get away
We will finish the mission, Polus will see a new day

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