Contando con la letra, música y partitura de Your Reality, estarás en condiciones de conmocionar a todos tocando la banda sonora usando tu instrumento favorito. Ya que la próxima es una canción extremadamente espectacular y señalada para practicar música.
Partitura de Your Reality: Detalles
Si necesitas encontrar todas las especificaciones con respecto a la partitura, puedes descubrir la venidera tabla: las claves, las hojas que tiene la partitura, los nombres de sus partes, duración de la canción, el ensamble…
Pages | 4 |
Duration | 02:59 |
Measures | 75 |
Key | C major, A minor |
Genre | Pop, Soundtrack |
Ensemble | Solo |
Parts | 1 |
Part names | Piano |
Privacy | Everyone can see this score |
License | Attribution, non-commercial |
Your Reality: Vídeo
Antes de tocar la partitura, cuentas con la posibilidad de contemplar su vídeo en el segmento venidero:
Your Reality: Letra
Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you
In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
Just move your hand – write the way into his heart!
But in this world of infinite choices
What will it take just to find that special day?
What will it take just to find that special day?
Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?
When you’re here, everything that we do is fun for them anyway
When I can’t even read my own feelings
What good are words when a smile says it all?
And if this world won’t write me an ending
What will it take just for me to have it all?
Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
How can I write love into reality?
If I can’t hear the sound of your heartbeat
What do you call love in your reality?
And in your reality, if I don’t know how to love you
I’ll leave you be
Your Reality: Descargar la Partitura
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