Partitura de Heroes

Te mostramos la partitura, letra y melodía de Heroes, de modo que te sea posible hacer sonar su sonido. Deseamos que te sea de utilidad y puedas entretenerte con esta grandiosa pieza musical.

Partitura Heroes

Información de Heroes

Si pretendes conocer toda la información sobre la partitura, cuentas con la opción de investigar la siguiente tabla: sus claves, las secciones, tiempo de la melodía, el género musical, la cantidad de páginas de la partitura, .etc

re mayor, si menor
Banda sonora
Nombre de las partes
Todo el mundo puede ver esta puntuación .
Ninguno (Todos los derechos reservados)

Vídeo de Heroes

Previamente de interpretar la melodía, puedes contemplar el videoclip en el capítulo posterior:

Heroes: Letra

We’ve seen better days
Trying to fight through life
Into our hearts
They push this knife
Dying and hurt you’re not here alone
If you feel like you are
Then you’re so on your own

Fight through the
Screaming and fire and rage
The bleeding and fire hate
Cause nothing can stop you now
We’ve seen better days
Trying to fight through life
Into our hearts
They push this knife

Eyes open but they’re blind
Everlasting memories inside
I should’ve just used my head
And listened to what you said
This is all that it takes
When you make these mistakes
And how far will you go
To get out of this hole

Fight through the
Screaming and fire and rage
The bleeding and fire hate
Cause nothing can stop you now
We’ve seen better days
Trying to fight through life
Into our hearts
They push this knife

Eyes open but they’re blind
Everlasting memories inside
I should’ve just used my head
And listened to what you said
It’s so hard for us to find clarity
When we can’t find our way through this fog
But we know that we have to be strong
In this ongoing battle of heart, mind and soul

Keep holding tightly and never let go
I want to move forward but you’re going back
So I’m moving on but I want you to know that it
It kills me to end this, I’m asking for forgiveness
It kills me to end this, I’m asking for forgiveness

We’ve seen better days
Trying to fight through life
Into our hearts
They push this knife
Eyes open but they’re blind
Everlasting memories inside
I should’ve just used my head

But they push this knife
(It’s my time and all I have to do is)
Into our hearts
(Break down the walls and get through this)
They push this knife
(It’s my time and all I have to do is)
Into our hearts
(Break down the walls and get through this)
They push this knife

(It’s my time and all I have to do is)
Into our hearts
(Break down the walls and get through this)
They push this knife
(It’s my time and all I have to do is)
Into our hearts
(Break down the walls and get through this)
And listened to what you said

Heroes: Descargar Partitura Completa

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