Te mostramos la partitura, letra y melodía de Michael Jackson, para que te sea posible tocar su canción. Ojalá te sea provechoso y tengas la posibilidad de pasar un buen rato con esta preciosa melodía.
Michael Jackson: Detalles
Si quieres ver todos los componentes sobre la partitura, puedes encontrar la sección siguiente: duración de la melodía, las páginas que posee la partitura, sus acordes, sus claves, el género musical…
Páginas | dieciséis |
Duración | 03:55 |
Medidas | 84 |
Clave | sol mayor, mi menor |
Género | Música pop |
Conjunto | Solo |
Partes | 4 |
Nombre de las partes | Piano (4) |
Privacidad | Todo el mundo puede ver esta puntuación . |
Licencia | Ninguno (Todos los derechos reservados) |
Michael Jackson en Vídeo
Igualmente, te ofrecemos el videoclip de la canción para que la logres oírla:
Letra de Michael Jackson
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said: Don’t mind, but what do you mean: I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round?
She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round
She told me her name was Billie Jean
As she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed
Of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
People always told me: Be careful of what you do
And don’t go around breaking young girl’s hearts
My mother always told me: Be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do, ‘cause the lie becomes the truth
The Billie Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
For forty days and forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when she’s in demand
Her schemes and plans
‘Cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice
Just remember to always think twice
(Do think twice, do think twice)
She told: My baby, we danced ‘til three
Then she looked at me
Then showed a photo: My baby cried
His eyes were like mine
‘Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby
People always told me: Be careful of what you do
And don’t go around breaking young girls’ hearts
But she came and stood right by me
Just to smell her sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She called me to her room
The Billie Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
The Billie Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
The Billie Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one
(No, she is not just my baby)
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
She says I am the one
(You know what you did)
She says he is my son
(Breaking my heart, babe)
She says I am the one
The Billie Jean is not my lover
The Billie Jean is not my lover
The Billie Jean is not my lover
The Billie Jean is not my lover
(Call me, Billie Jean)
The Billie Jean is not my lover
(She is not at the scene)
The Billie Jean is not my lover
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