La Partitura de Take My Breath Away

Acabas de llegar a la web perfecta en caso de que hayas estado queriendo encontrar la partitura de la banda sonora de Take My Breath Away. Ahora te mostramos la partitura de la canción, junto con su audio y letra, para que puedas interpretarlo con tu violín, ukelele o flauta dulce, sin tener en cuenta que instrumento toques.

Partitura Take My Breath Away

Partitura de Take My Breath Away: Datos

Si te interesa encontrar toda la información sobre la partitura, podrás encontrar la próxima sección: el género, sus acordes, sus medidas, el número de páginas que tiene la partitura, duración de la canción…

sol mayor, mi menor
Nombre de las partes
Todo el mundo puede ver esta puntuación .
Ninguno (Todos los derechos reservados)

Take My Breath Away en Vídeo

Antes de interpretar la canción, puedes observar su videoclip en el segmento siguiente:

Take My Breath Away: Letra

I saw the fire in your eyes
I saw the fire when I look into your eyes
You tell me things you want to try
I know temptation is the devil in disguise

You risk it all to feel alive
You’re offering yourself to me like sacrifice
You said you do this all the time
Tell me you love me if I bring you to the light

It’s like a dream, what she feels with me
She loves to be on the edge
Her fantasy, is okay with me
Then suddenly, baby says

Take my breath away
And make it last forever, babe
Do it now or never, babe
Take my breath away
Nobody does it better, babe
Bring me close to

Want me to hold on to you tight
You pull me closer, feel the heat between your thighs
You’re way too young to end your life
Girl, I don’t want to be the one who pays the price

It’s like a dream, what she feels with me
She loves to be on the edge
Her fantasy, is okay with me
Then suddenly, baby says

Take my breath away
And make it last forever, babe
Do it now or never, babe
Take my breath away
Nobody does it better, babe
Bring me close to heaven, babe
Take my breath

Oh, oh-ooh
They’ll see me
Oh-ooh, ooh, no
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh

Take my breath away (take my breath away)
And make it last forever, babe
Do it now or never, babe
Take my breath away (take my breath away)
Nobody does it better, babe
Bring me close to heaven, babe (take my breath)
Take my breath (take my breath away)

Oh darlin’
Take my breath (take my breath away)
Nobody does it better, babe
Bring me close to heaven, babe
Take my breath

Descargar la Partitura Íntegra de Take My Breath Away

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